Computing Books written by Leon Bagrit

The following is a list of Computing Books written by Leon Bagrit in the Centre for Computing History collection. It is not an exhaustive list of and other books may have been published. If you have a book that you would like to donate to our collection, please view our donations page.

There are 1 Computing Books written by Leon Bagrit in our collection :
Order By : Title - Release Date - Publisher
The Age of Automation Date: 1965 The Age of Automation

Leon Bagrit was generally recognised as being extraordinarily prescient in his thinking.  For instance, in this book 'The Age of Automation' he predicted:
‘It is now possible to envisage personal computers, small enough to be taken around in one’s car, or even one’s pocket.  They could be plugged into a national computer grid, to provide individual enquirers with almost unlimited information.’
‘Perhaps the most far-reaching use of the new generation of computers will be in the retention and communication of information of all sorts within a national, possibly a world-wide, information system.
‘In many industrial and commercial applications we are moving steadily away from large, centralized computers towards much simpler decentralized units, systems of small, cheap, special-purpose units, rather like building bricks.
‘Car drivers could be told immediately about traffic hold-ups and road works and given alternative routes….’

Our copy of this book was kindly donated by Richard Herbert of the Herbert Group in Haverhill, Suffolk. Leon Bagrit worked for Herberts for many years and was responsible for two of the company's patents

Publisher: Penguin Books
Author: Leon Bagrit
Platform: Automation

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